BTS episode 13
Have you ever heard of a Areinfirinish?
In Chassidish tradition, the day a child turns three is an extra special birthday. The father wraps his child up in a tallit to protect his son from seeing anything impure and brings him to cheder (school) for his introduction to formal learning.
All the children are given pekeles (candy parcels) as they celebrate with the family.
The father then sits his son on his lap and starts to teach him the aleph beit. The letters are coated in honey to teach the birthday boy about the sweetness of the Torah and the Jewish alphabet which the Torah is written in.
The boy licks the honey off the letters as his father teaches them to him.
This drawing captures part of this beautiful tradition. I loved working on this detailed piece and slowly brining it to life. It’s the first non-commissioned artwork I’ve made in months so it has a special place in my heart.