Rabbi Avigdor Miller
Rabbi Miller-an American-born, European trained rabbi immersed in the demanding Lithuanian academic and mussar traditions. He spoke perfect English and had a unique oratory presence. As one of the earlier prominent rabbis to use the medium of tape to distribute Torah lectures to the public, he reached a broad audience which he continues to influence till today.
Rabbi Miller-an American-born, European trained rabbi immersed in the demanding Lithuanian academic and mussar traditions. He spoke perfect English and had a unique oratory presence. As one of the earlier prominent rabbis to use the medium of tape to distribute Torah lectures to the public, he reached a broad audience which he continues to influence till today.
Rabbi Miller-an American-born, European trained rabbi immersed in the demanding Lithuanian academic and mussar traditions. He spoke perfect English and had a unique oratory presence. As one of the earlier prominent rabbis to use the medium of tape to distribute Torah lectures to the public, he reached a broad audience which he continues to influence till today.